Feedback on our entries in the first RHS Community Awards:
‘We’re pleased to share that your group has been recognised as Highly Commended for your entry to the Cultivating Your Community category, for your work to strengthen your community and build links between diverse groups of people.
Also Achievement for your entry to the Nature-friendly Gardening category for your work in creating wildlife-friendly spaces and habitats. Also Achievement for your entry to the Planting with Purpose category for your work to use plants and gardening in creative ways to address the specific challenges in your community.’
The judges highlighted the benefits of our partnerships and good relationships with other community groups as a key to success, reaching a diverse range of people and adding sustainability to all we
do. The collaboration between PiB volunteers and the day nursery staff in developing the Nuttery, and with the local community to reduce anti-social behaviour was also commended, as was ‘growing to share’ in the Potager.